A: Specific Case Protocols
Acknowledging that the investigation and prosecution of differing animal cruelty offenses present unique hallmarks or challenges, Appendix A: Specific Case Protocols is included as a quick reference source. Each protocol is organized by the discipline involved (investigator, animal care entities, veterinarian and prosecutor), and provides in-the-moment advice and reminders specific to that type of animal cruelty case, while cross-referencing recommended forms, checklists, agreements, templates, and resources provided in Appendices B–D. Your purchase of this book includes access to our companion website, which makes these resources available for download and customization. The materials provided in this appendix are not intended to, and do not, constitute legal advice; they are provided for informational purposes and as a reference.
Failure to Provide Veterinary Care
Emaciation and Starvation
Animal Hoarding
Substandard Breeding or Rescue Operation
Blunt Force Trauma – Victim Dies
Blunt Force Trauma – Victim Lives
Sharp Force Injuries
Gunshot Wounds
Mutilated or Skinned Animal
Burned Animal – Victim Dies
Burned Animal – Victim Lives
Sexual Assault of an Animal
Heat Stroke and Hyperthermia
B: Forms and Checklists
Appendices B - D contain forms, templates, resources, and checklists designed to support and enhance the work of investigators, veterinarians, animal care entities, and prosecutors from the initial investigation through adjudication. Many of these resources were developed after a need was identified for standardization of processes, or thorough collection and organization of information. You may find all or some of them useful in your work, but remember these are resources meant to make your work more manageable and serve as reminders of important information to collect or processes to consider. The forms themselves are not intended to add additional steps that may be unrealistic due to staffing or resources. They are also meant to be amendable, so we encourage you to adapt and transform them to fit your specific needs. Your purchase of this book includes access to our companion website, which makes these resources available for download and customization. The materials provided in these appendices are not intended to, and do not, constitute legal advice; they are provided for informational purposes and as a reference.
Minimum Care Checklist
Multi-Animal Site Visit Report
On Scene Habitat Evaluation
Large Animal Premises Inspection Report
Action Notice
Animal Cruelty Case Consent to Search Form
Animal Cruelty Case Relinquishment Form
Medical Exam Equipment Checklist
Veterinary Forensic Exam Form
Game Cock Physical Evaluation Form
Necropsy Exam Notes Form
Animal Observation Chart (Appetite, Elimination, and Weight)
Live Evidence Tracking Form
Live Animal Evidence Tracking Continuation Page
Nonliving Evidence Tracking Form
Nonliving Evidence Tracking Continuation Page
Crime Scene Access Log
Crime Scene Processing Roles and Responsibilities
Evidence Placard
Evidence Transport Inventory and Tracker
Transport Vehicle Log
Case Animal Intake Checklist
Affidavit and Search Warrant Drafting Checklist
Crime Scene Processing Supply List
Camera Log
Property in Custody and Evidence Receipt
Case Submission Checklist
Case Submission Inventory
Case Timeline
Witness List
C: Templates and Agreements
Memorandum of Understanding Template
Communications–Media Policy Template
Confidentiality Agreement
Protective Custody Foster Care Agreement
Sample Veterinary Clinic Reporting Policy/Protocol
Summary Vet Report
Scene Processing Witness Report
Animal Cruelty Affidavit Template
Animal Cruelty Search Warrant Template
Animal Cruelty Warrant Return Template
Bill of Sale and Relinquishment of Animal Ownership Template
Forfeiture Petition Template
Forfeiture Order Template
Lien Foreclosure Notice Document Template
Sample Newspaper Notice Ad Template for Lien Foreclosure
Script Template for Lien Foreclosure Sale
Notice Letter of Future Discovery Template
Restitution Cover Letter Template
Restitution Waiver Template
Request for Live Animal Evidence Disposition Template
D: Resources
Investigations Triage Matrix (Example)
Guidance for Compliance/Recheck Planning
Animal Cruelty Case Field Operations Structure
Animal Crime Scene Processing Roles
Outline for Conducting Search Warrant Briefing
Evidence in Animal Cruelty Cases
Examples of On Scene Veterinary Assessments
Language Options for Adoption Contracts
State Evidence Retention and Disposition Rules
Resource List: Grants for Animal Cruelty Case Work